Monday, September 11, 2006

Stabilizer Weighting For A Recurve Bow

nose work

taster nose work

Schade: Yesterday was the last hour of our trial, subscribers "nose job" in Jeanette at Dortmund. In four hours we have various forms of professional Schnupperns met.

Beginning we have Browse - maybe that was barren! Denise is getappert through the forest, has from time to time crouched there and let the food bag somewhere this fall. Then I was with "Search!" sent and should find the bag (and of course their Trace to follow). That was kind of easy! Pfft - ridiculous! I thought, 'OK, play with time and make them the joy! " - But once I see the thing, although there was meat loaf from the bag, but I could not breathe even more! The most weave! It's there everywhere
has smelled so good and little frogs jumping around too. The next round I was already so clever - I just pretended like I was not able to find the bag. Stupid, it is but then noticed that every now and then I looked closely at him. Hihi ... But that does nothing - I am simply standing pat. So it was then much more fun! But my man was a bit annoyed.

have in the next hour, we then practiced area search . This has already been more fun. I first had the way to Denise "sniff", which had gone on a large meadow in a large sheet of good 100m from me. Man, I was in a panic that would simply cut off without me. Have times precaution doll barked and added to the people at the other end of the line quite a bit. :-)) But then somebody "Search!" said and I was allowed to it up and there was also a delicious reward. The second time, then it is with another man from the group losgestiefelt - that is, as it was to me really colorful! But good was that I walk again after was allowed and the man has given me even then meatloaf and doll happy and I am very blessed! Finally I had to run in a third pass to a complete stranger. And while the left, Denise has me whispered to me to watch beautiful, where the man goes with my food bag. And then I got behind. Was great: He was very amused and I slipped delicious things.
So that was more like something for me!

Then we have traces (or Mantrailing) made - that was fun! Since my mistress has run away and hides! Jeanette and I will then have a plastic bag held under the nose, where a tempo was in it, which smelled of my people. Then it was called "Go!" and I was allowed lossuchen on the long line! Man, that's great! Denise and I sniffed again and again. Then I would track down another two-legged friends from the group - it was more difficult and once I've lost track. I had to look nice, but finally I have found all the people yet. And as usual, the treats are totally happy and I slipped. All other dogs of the group have always attracted by the way before finding a different dish, so they come to work mood. But my man had forgotten the second ... But was not that bad - when it comes to sniff and hunt, I'm always in mood for work! :-D

Yes, and yesterday we have practiced odor discrimination . These Jeanette had brought a scent box. This is a long wooden box with hinged lid. In the box are four plastic cups and lids are placed just above the cups small holes. But first, the box was even open. I should sit in front of the box - but I did not want! Has there everywhere smelled so good and hours of standing around in the woods is not my thing and so I saw it on at all, I also go to even in a resting position, I wanted to do stuff together! Well, I've then after much begging but sometimes just crouched and then Denise has the "Find!" said and the box shown. And actually smelled it since, according to Burger, and I realized very quickly that this came from a cup. When I tried to turn, my mistress has taken the cup in his hand and fed me with the meat - delicious! Then the cup again placed somewhere else and I had to look again. In the second round I have had before sniffing a plastic bag in which was a piece of burger - and this time the box was closed. As soon as I but my nose for a moment there in the height of the box had, where there are so very delicious smell of meatball, has mistress opened the box and gave me the meat. The third time I should be 'correct' view, that it was waiting until I scratch on the box - The course I did that very quickly. Super Fun!

My man said we're continuing the search for clues in dog school! - The class will be determined!

and odor discrimination, we continue to practice at home mum buys four flower-pots that have a large hole through which you can sniff out something, and among them may be hiding something. Let's see, already, is to sniff out what I do!

man says:

There are a great Web site to nose work .

also find a lot of great suggestions in the following directories .

Well then: Go sniff! :-))

nose work - the sequel ...

group spurensuche since last Thursday (5:10:06), we have joined a group of "investigators Jeanette. On our first date we had only two it was not bad, so we could all green tripe, the Jeanette had brought with him teilen.Sie in a nylon stocking and put the then dragged along the floor and then hidden after a certain distance with it. I found it again pretty simple - once they tricked me and is held on the road, gone through's bush, but I quickly bemerkt.Den other males, I found the way, totally stupid, was not ok, that also what the rumen has received, especially since has worked a lot slower than I ... I then once barked all the time to explain to the well, but somehow nothing happened - either have not understood me, or did not once again as I !_______________________________________________________________

Again only two of the next meeting - this time we have made people search. First I had to look later and Denise Thomas. Was great! But quite exhausting. For it was always your turn ... It was then that the next time.

Unfortunately, we have then very soon the nose work in DO give back to - for some it was an extremely bad time for us, so during the week and on the other it also fit obviously Jeanette not so good, which again and again to short-term failure led to what, for the long journey for us was more than annoying.

We are currently looking for a new group that we join can. Until then, we continue to work alone ...

search the treat!


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