Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sew In Bang Weave Hairstyle

Why this blog?

What this blog about? because someone has too much time?

No, not really and that is one reason why this page. Moritz has provided me with a great challenge. Despite dog experience was dealing with such a strong fighter drove a new experience for me. I gained a lot of information, socialize, read books, I trained on the topic; short, invested much time and effort. This blog is intended to primarily help me here to document findings and experiences, links and useful information "store" so I quickly re- was palpable. The blog seemed to me the easiest and quickest solution. If someone else can benefit from our experience, the better! I also learned a lot from other dog owners I have met others through the Internet. In this respect I would be happy if it could also lead to a lively exchange.

It's a long way with a hunting vultures and even though we are already well grown together, the wild for the human-dog team continues to be a real challenge. Perhaps it will remain so forever, but we continue to work tirelessly ... :-)


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