Thursday, October 7, 2010

Diamond Barbie Myspace

select I am going because ... (3)

parish council and parish council elections in 2010

On 06 and 07 November you can share with a small cross is a great sign. This is the weekend Hollage St. Joseph, St. Alexander and St. John Wallenhorst Rule the parish councils and church board members stand for election. All community members are cordially invited AUFzukreuzen and to cross! With their cross to strengthen the volunteers in their community!
explain in the next few weeks in the civil Echo various community members, why this option of participation does not want to miss. Be a part of it and to cross!
information about the elections please visit and in the showcases of the churches.

select I am going because ... can
I participate so actively to the church life and my interests are represented in the church. To me it is important that families have the bodies of the church and other groups and associations good partners, on whom they can rely on.
why I choose to go in any case and ask all other members of the community around it.

Werner Lührmann (51 years), Hollage

postal vote
Even if you can not go and vote on election day, may show up you. As in any political election, you can also apply for the selection committees for voting by post. The postal ballot papers can be requested in your parish office:
Parish Office St. Joseph Hollage (Tel. 4589): Mon, Wed - Fri: 8.30 - 10.30 clock, Fri: 15.00 - 17.00 clock
Parish Office St. John Rule (Tel 6136): Wed & Fri: 9.30 - 11.30 clock, Thu: 15.30-17.30 clock
Parish Office Wall St. Alexander Horst (tel 2321): Mon, Tue & Fri: 9.00 - 12.00 clock, Thu: 15.00 - 18.00 clock


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