Friday, December 31, 2010

Bourbon Barrel For Sale

Scrap your kit - Challenge # 22

wish you a Happy New Year we you!

is now the year 2011 and our 22nd Challenge starts, this is madness. Frankly, we had probably not imagined at the beginning that many of the Challenge Blog Challenges "produced" ... But we like that. This is how the fun and so should that be: o) are

This month, once a shop as a sponsor, but a new design team member. Welcome to the team Drea!

I'm Andrea (Drea online than on the road) and I live south of Hamburg with her husband and child. In addition I work at a daycare and have somehow all day with creativity and children to do.
I've always drawn, pasted pictures and decorated and kept each snippet. But that whole "scrapbooking" is, I know only since 2006. Since then I fell to the material and the possibilities of this hobby and it takes a day without scrapping.
I love to make a story out of a photo where everything is harmonious and at the end belong together.
And best I succeed with a well-coordinated kits.
I started with the kit from Paper Bride 2008 and now I use love to have the kit of Scrapabilly.
I'm really happy to now be a part of this wonderful blog challenge and inspire you, even your rauszuholen kits and to potter about with it.
So in the new year 2011 states that out with the pizza boxes and ran on the kits!
I'm looking forward to it!
love all your greetings

you can win but still somewhat a surprise and that the remains secret and is revealed only after the winner Bkanntgabe o)

The works which we you this month want to show all are made by Drea with Scrapabilly Kit November 2010.

start of Challenge # 22 - 01.01.2011, End of Challenge # 22 - 01/20/2011 24 Clock

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fotografias De Avatar

Christmas Eve

These are the photos from the last school day yesterday. My Christmas Eve was very nice. At noon I sat down with H, L and H in the Einstein made coffee around the corner. There, we exchanged our presents, we really wanted to buy us any, because you buy the family and other friends have something, but the three have insisted, as they see it as Weihnachts-/Geburtstagsgeschenk: I) From
H I Macarons and get daydreamer and H and L together a organizer of Moleskine. evening were still single pair families to us and we ate and celebrated a peaceful Christmas.
I hope you had a peaceful and happy celebration with family and friends had, and of course, a diligent Father Christmas: D

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wireless Spy Microphone Bug

Merry Christmas

of ScrapDeinKit We wish all the blog readers and industrious students a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

And yes you see right ... From January, we get growth, o) ... But this then everything on the 01.01.2011.

How To Get Rid Of Phlegm In A Baby


The final winner for 2010 is now well established. About the great price of Scrapbookheaven may be



CONGRATULATIONS and have fun with your win!

If you send us your e-mail address then the packet does right after Christmas on the way: o)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Fix Your Camera On Oovoo

Merry Christmas

We wish all exhibitors and visitors a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. In January, three we then consider whether and how in 2011 "Hand Made in the baggage" continues.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Baby Room With Wood Paneling

Dear Mr Santa

Today was full of school Christmas program. In the first section, we actually had chemistry, but instead we were allowed to give away our gifts from the elves and unpack. Apart from my basketball (e) I was given biscuits, a voucher from Santa Claus and a Diana Mini! The good, fat man is very kind to me ... Then there was a Frz work in English and a little Christmas concert in the class, haha:) In the fourth block, I had political science, and there we should bring an item from home, we wanted to get rid of. These were then re ausgewichtelt and for my old 3D glasses I got a 150-piece sewing box. Nice, nice, nice

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Desert Eagle Airsoft For Sale Metallic

Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange

This weekend was very nice. Yesterday it was spontaneous at the Christmas market on Gendarmenmarkt L and H. There was this delicious bread with cream and bacon! I love it, so I give it out and also 3 € each year:)
than that, I was with my parents finally back in the cinema and we watched The Tourist. It was ok, but I would have honestly expected more ... But there was but a cuddly toy moose to the menu (medium large popcorn + coke) to do so. It occurs to me that I said buy the popcorn chips, hahaha.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Make A Guy's Nose Look Smaller

Pack Up Your Troubles In You Old Kit Bag

Only 4 school days and then finally holidays! I am so glad that the week is almost over and I look forward to the weekend, because I have not slept the last few days all too much. Bad news is that our exchange / guest student (4th photo) from Hungary on Saturday again flies. She is too sweet and, above all, her accent! Accents are almost always sweet (except Vietnamese, hahaha)