Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Is Shelf Life Of Phenergan?

select I am going because ... (1)

parish council and parish council elections in 2010

On 06 and 07 November we will vote in St. Joseph Hollage, St. Alexander Wallenhorst and St. John Rule, the parish councils and church board members again. All community members are cordially invited AUFzukreuzen and to cross! explain in the next few weeks here in the various community members why they miss this opportunity of participation do not want. Be a part of it and cross it on! The preliminary list of candidates
and other information about the elections is available online at and in the showcases of the churches.

select I am going because ... well I'm

community! Sure, I'm involved in the community so ... but by my voice I can say in how the future of the church and looks quite specifically the future of our community. Just me as a young man but what is important, where we are headed - and in the committees decided on this. As I will, however, that the right people are in the process help to ensure that our community is attractive, particularly for young people. Because every vote counts - even yours!!

Hendrik Lingemann (28 years) and Rule


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