Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stiff Neck, Upset Stomach

Your Scrap Kit - Won Challenge # 24

It's March ... Month of the beginning of spring and a month before our 2nd are o)
match the upcoming birthday is this month a kit from April 2009 to win - the media kit April 2009 from the Baschtuegge; birthday. The papers from the kit fit somehow to the current weather. The weather prophet speaks always from the sun, but here in the north, it is then not through yet: o)

A bright spot in the gray on gray of this are the works of the design team, you inspire hope to to go the pizza boxes in the neck: o)

Petra with such a great Scrapabilly May Kit 2009 created this colorful layout

Drea has Scrapabilly March 2010 kit used and it created two great layouts and 3 cards.

And Melli has a Scrapabilly used kit. From the June 2010 Scrapabilly kit and various other Scrapabilly kit (here in each of the covers Teresa Collins was born) this Travelogue

start of Challenge # 24 01.03.2011 - End of Challenge # 24 20/3/2011 24 Clock


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