Monday, March 15, 2010

Nadine Jansen Y Santa

Rules of Procedure for Parish Councils for parish councils

Rules for parish councils
in the version of 18 December 2009


§ 1 - seat and voting rights
§ 2 - Meetings of the Parish Pastoral Council
§ 3 - Board of the Parish Pastoral Council
§ 4 - session course
§ 5 - Quorum and decisions
§ 6 - Votes
§ 7 - Elections
§ 8 - Minutes
§ 9 - Publication of decisions
§ 10 - Subject committees / task forces / Non Commissioner
§ 11 - Relationship parish council / parish council
§ 12 - preparation of new elections
§ 13 - Confidentiality
§ 14 - Appropriate application of the Rules of Procedure

Download Complete Rules as PDF


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