Monday, March 15, 2010

Pins And Needles In Arms

The family franchise for parish council elections in 2010

Das Familienwahlrecht für the parish council elections in 2010

The meeting of the diocesan councils on 10 and 11 September 2004 decided to enter in the next parish council elections communities the opportunity to test the family franchise model:
"To emphasize the importance of family, their concerns and needs more into account and the interests of the children more to take into account, encourages the communities to test a model in the next parish council elections, the family franchise. In this case, parents have the right to vote in trust and as a representative. "
(Decision C 9)
communities were able to inside and outside, a sign of appreciation place for the families. This possibility is in the Diocese of Osnabrück and at the parish council elections in 2010 are back.
possibilities of the family right to vote in parish council elections on 6 and 7 November 2010
Because of the generally positive experiences with the Family Law 2006 election, which was applied in 119-health communities will exist in 2010 the possibility of the family vote - better the voting rights of the baptism - to apply. The family
election law states that Catholic parents have a representative for each of their Catholic children under 16 can vote. This is the right to vote to all community members to extend from the baptism. All children from 16 Age under existing statutes are even eligible to vote anyway. The electoral process

Each parent receives in the election half a vote per child under 16. For children under 16 from families with only one Catholic parent shall exercise the right to vote alone. That's why this parent receives two half votes per child. The same applies in the case of single parents existing, separated or divorced parents.
communities where the family election law will be received in the voter list, are listed in the sämt-Lich voters community members, a separate column "FWR" (families suffrage) that shows the how many ballot papers for the family vote each Parents are to hand. For the distinctness of the "whole" getting votes "half" ballots of a different color.
agreed in the spring of 2010 the parish council as to whether the family will be voting in 2010. Found the family franchise in 2006, applies, the municipal council Pfarrge-arrange anything. The Episcopal Vicar General goes after it until 5 July 2010 do not receive any communication that is not expected that the family will vote in 2010 apply. Was not elected in 2006 after the family franchise, the parish council until 5 July 2010 at the Episcopal Vicar General, Mr Wiemker shall submit an application.
If the family franchise applied, shall be replaced by the Parish Episcopal Generalvi Kariat automatic with the voter list the names of children under 16.
The electoral board has on the day of election ballots ready for more in a different color. Each parent receives a child for a ballot. The box on the ballot to count as half a vote. If only one parent is Catholic, he receives two ballots parent per child. The same applies in the case of lone Tern, separated or divorced El. Here, for example, performs the single parent the option for the child as a whole. The ballot for the family vote must be different from the other ballots different color. The ballots are counted - those for the family vote as half votes - so that a candidate, a candidate to be selected, for example, with 354.5 votes in the parish.
tips and food for thought
The family option should not be in a parish different interest groups polarize, but is a socio-political message that invites you to a discussion about the importance of families. Therefore, it is important not just formally introduce the family voting right, but it but with events and activities to promote family-friendly community to connect.
The possibility of family voting rights in the facilities may and institutions of the parish community de attended by families, especially. Here there are the kindergarten children, family groups and youth work.
the parishes will automatically be extended list of voters (in addition to the performance of children under 16 years) provided. It can - as with normal voter lists - speeds and incompleteness errors. Basically, anyone who shows up with his children alone without spouses in the electoral register will receive two ballots for each child and shall exercise all voting rights for the children. Of separated parents is just doing the one or the electoral law so to do, the children are also reported.
The voting behavior of the families will be very different. Many parents have discussed the vote in advance with their children. Here, the electoral board to respect different practices Tiken.

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