Monday, March 15, 2010

Nasal Polysps In Dogs

newsletter to the parish council and parish council elections in 2010

To the pastor and the parish council chairman

in the Diocese of Osnabrück

Date: 26 January 2010

church board and parish council elections in 2010

Dear Pastor,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
you will be aware that this year parish council and parish communities deratswahlen take place in our diocese.
election date is 6 / 7 November 2010.
With regard to the timely and proper preparation for these elections, I now give some preliminary information:
first The organizational preparation and planning of the timing I add an-NEN schedule. I ask, also in view of the legal consequences to observe the temporal-chen requirements exactly.
The latest date for the formation of the Electoral Board is 21 August 2010. It is advisable to delay the formation of the Electoral Board is not until the last possible date, but early to start.

The election committee consists of
first the senior minister, second
one or two by the parish council to be elected members of the congregation and third
one or two by the parish council to be elected members of the parish.

Members to No. 2 and 3 shall be eligible to vote and may not even stand for election. They should not be the same person.
The Election Committee shall act for both the Church Board true and for the parish council election. So there is only one election officer. First, it is task-be of the Electoral Board to create the preliminary list of candidates. Here, the Board will take precedence church and parish council are to be included in order to find suitable women and men.

second been for the number of members to be elected for the parish council and parish council, the number of parishioners in the parish is governed by the fixed by the Bi-schöfliche Generalvikariat basis of the final determination of the overall population is-is. At the material time the Catholic Church "patronage" has, "place" in total "Catholic" church members.
The number of the basis of this community membership to be elected members of both bodies (the parish council and parish council) is given by the following key:

for the church council:
up to 1,500 community members 6
up to 5,000 community members 10
more than 5,000 parishioners 12th

for the parish council:
up to 600 community members 6
up to 1,500 community members 8
up to 3,000 community members 12
can be up to 5,000 community members 14
more than 5,000 community members 18

The number of members to be elected due to a request be reduced or increased VER. Due the diversity of national rules in the electoral system is Inso-far for both bodies distinguished as follows:
At the request of the parish council to increase the Episcopal Vicar General, the number of members to be elected for the parish council to reduce up to two or. In a congregation of up to 1,500 community members may The number of elected members of the parish council, the number five but not un-lable.
At the request of the Parish Pastoral Council may increase the Episcopal Vicar General, the number of members to be elected for the parish council in the parishes with up to 3,000 community members in order to reduce or two. If a church chengemeinde more than 3,000 community members, can the number of members to be elected for the parish council for up to four can be increased or decreased.
Such requests must be submitted by the 5th July 2010 in writing to the Vicar General Bischöfli-che, Mr Wiemker to judge. This request must be made even if there was an increase or decrease the number of members to be elected at the last election in 2006 (or in the case of a possible election postponement in 2007) were approved. Applications must be based.
third For parish communities (one priest is responsible for several parishes) is possible a common parish council form.
requirement is that there is in terms of an agreement establishing a joint Parish Pastoral Council of all the parish councils. All involved Pfarrge-councilors must therefore consider establishing a joint Parish Pastoral Council want.
If a common parish council already exists (because already formed at the
last election in 2006), it remains there as a rule. An ex-cept applies only if the currently elected members and only a narrow-church congregation after prior consultation with the pastor and the Parish Community Council of States unanimously common include the formation of a Parish Pastoral Council for their church community be.
In selecting the members of either below dialing mode to apply. Which election mode applies, is the consensus of the Pfarrge-
councilors or - if there is already a common parish council - from this set:

a. joint election
The number of members in the manner allocated among electoral districts that each election district, the same number of members. Each parish forms an electoral district.
example: The church communities A, B and C will form a joint parish council. Each parish may appoint to the joint parish council, the same possible number of members. If every parish 5 members selected in the joint parish council-men, this is so out of 15 elected members. The number is, as I said, shall be agreed between the churches.

b. proportional electoral
The number of members in such apportioned according to the size of the eligible voters-trict (Catholics number of each parish), that the number of each eligible voters to-trict elected members of ½ of the above with in section 2 (right box the Key for the number of is for the parish council members to be elected) said number.

example: The church communities A, B and C will form a joint parish council. The congregation has 450 members A, B, 1170, the parish members of the church and community members C. 4830. The congregation then A sends 3 members, the parish B 4 members and parish members of the C 7, so is the joint parish council as a result of 14 elected members.

is common agreement on the proportional election, the number of members of the set are also different from the above provision. The participating parish councils are not bound by the above-mentioned. The fall in the example above three church communities A, B, C you could therefore each also 4, 6 and 10 members (other numbers can be considered) send.

* * *

Important: In the formation of a joint Parish Pastoral Council - both in the joint and in the proportional election - for each electoral district (parish municipality) an election officer, a separate list of voters with the voting members but of the individual parish and drawn up a list of candidates. Kandi on the candidate list, only the names of candidates who have their main residence in that constituency are.

example, the voting members of the church A can only choose Wahlbü ro-A of the parish. You are just on the electoral list of the Church A Community-de. You can also only the candidates from the parish A select, since only they are on the ballot.

If a joint parish council will be formed, this is possible by no later than 5 July 2010 in writing to the Episcopal Vicar General, Mr Wiem-ker to tell. A demand from this permit to be issued it. Are reported here, the purpose of information and further monitoring of the elections be compels.

* * *

is formed in a parish community, no common parish council is to make
according to the now newly revised Statute of the Parish Pastoral Council
a Cooperation Council, which among others involved up to three elected or appointed members from the respective
Parish councils of the parish community members. For the
implementation and organization of the elections, this has no effect. For the formation of a
Cooperation Council is not required to be issued from here

4th For elections to the parish council (not for the elections to the parish council), the family suffrage should be introduced. When the family franchise Wahlberechti-tion of a community member on the day of baptism is given. The voting rights of eligible children under the age of 16 Age, in this case exercised by their deputy stepping Catholic parents.
information on family law, you can choose the attached paper taken with the title "The family right to vote for the parish council elections in 2010.
If a congregation at the last elections (in 2006 or in the case of an election postponement, 2007) introduced the family franchise already had, has, a corresponding application of the current Parish Pastoral Council of the Bishops are not provided Generalvika-Secretariat. In all these cases, if not by 5 July 2010 with notification to the contrary is, assumed that even now the family voting is to be implemented fairly. An application is assumed implicitly in these cases. The approval of the Episcopal Vicar General is hereby granted.
The parishes that in the last election to the parish council had introduced family-election follow from the list annexed to this letter.
was not adopted at the last parish council elections, the family franchise, the current parish council has considered whether the family option should be implemented. A request (no reason) is latest by 5 July 2010 at the Episcopal Vicar General, Mr Wiemker to submit.

5th The parishes, their financial data obtained from a standard computer data center (through the Episcopal Vicar General) to be sent in time alphabetized voter lists.
In principle for each parish a voter list of all eligible voters sent. This is also the case that in a church for the parish council elections, the family franchise was introduced. If exceptionally
provided in a church several electoral districts, I ask you this until 5 inform July 2010, so the unit can computer / Reporting in the Episcopal Vicar General initiate appropriate action. Messages and requests for electoral districts / electoral lists, etc. should be addressed to:

Episcopal Vicar General
Unit IT / Reporting
Kirsten Riedmann
2 49074 Osnabrück
Tel: 0541 318-322
E-mail: @ k.riedmann

6th For more information and documentation for the organizational preparation and implementation of the election process (election posters, stationery pads, election systems, etc.) will be shipped from here in time to the parish offices.
Already, I, on the still under construction website out. There - as in the intranet of the diocese - will soon be partially revised
-th regime (electoral laws), but also published the new Statute of the Pfarrge-municipal council.

7th Election preparation for interested members of the church board members, Pfarrge councilors and election board members and members of the Dean's job Communities the Parish Pastoral Councils and the Dean's conference workshops. The workshop was invited some time ago. For an overview, you can see the dates and all other information is attached to this letter.

8th Questions for election should be directed to:
Episcopal Vicar General Osnabrück Osnabrück Episcopal Vicar General
Mr Ludger Wiemker Mr Franz-Josef Tenambergen
Domhof 2 Domhof 12
49074 Osnabrück 49074 Osnabrück
Tel: 0541 318-130 Phone: 0541 318-204
E-mail: @ l.wiemker E-mail: @ f.tenambergen bgv.bistum- for carrying out the elections, I wish you good luck!

Ludger Wiemker
- Counsel -

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